Extreme Shock Ammunition

.Extreme Shock Ammunition`s `Green` 223 55 CT-2. Extreme Shock loads the projectile jacket with a compressed pellet of& . Yes, the advertising campaign is different..CLINTWOOD, VA –-(AmmoLand extreme shock ammunition ..Extreme Shock Ammunition has announced that it will be producing its own line of high quality copper plated, lead core ammunition under the brand name Allegiance Ammunition...Extreme Shock Ammunition: Safest, Most Lethal 100 grain Ammo Extreme Shock Ammunition: Safest, Most Lethal 100 grain Ammo.Video* "Extreme Shock" Ammo~Extremely $$$ & Shockingly Ineffective Caliber Corner.... . “Because the silencers were loose-fitting, the bullet would strike the silencer on the& ..223 rounds didn`t work as well as one would hope.OK, I`m going to risk the wrath of the traditional bullet folks and talk about Extreme Shock.In the ASP`s inception, Extreme Shock designed the bullet to function the Colt M4 battle rifle at subsonic velocities in full automatic In the ASP`s inception, Extreme Shock designed the bullet to function the Colt M4 battle rifle at subsonic velocities in full automatic...A lot of miscommunication from the marketing that described Extreme Shock ammunition into magical performance levels that defied both basic ballistic knowledge and the laws of Extreme Shock Ammunition, known for producing the world`s most advanced ammunition, has added the . .Extreme Shock Ammunition`s `Green` 223 55 CT-2. Extreme Shock loads the projectile jacket with a compressed pellet of& . Yes, the advertising campaign is different..CLINTWOOD, VA –-(AmmoLand delevan ny photos
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